Thursday, March 13, 2008

A little PLO goodness

Looking for inspiration this morning to begin the blog writing du jour I headed back to Google and fired up an image search. I was just looking for a lead in but low and behold I found a topic instead. It all started with a search on "cubicle farm." and somehow I ended up over at (which by the way I highly recommend their vast collection of geek shirts as well. But I hadn't seen the cube people before, and well I've probably found a new way to waste more of my money. Check 'em out for yourself, and you gotta take a look at the "Action Shots" sent in by their customers. These are great!

What started it all really though was me looking for a lead in, like I said. After the daily drudgery of work and then heading home for a 30 minute treadmill run, Cole's homework, a chat with Whitney, and getting the clan situated eventually for bed; well frankly I was spent. I needed a little ME time. So, of course I fire up the laptop and scope out the poker landscape. PokerRewards becomes the target of opportunity. Last night I'd donked off a couple bucks on PokerStars, the few that I'd either won in a freeroll or been given as a pittance by the PokerStars overlords. Tonight I was looking for things to go better, than that. The previous night I'd lost hard on AKs, AKos (twice), and while sitting on an OESFD (open-ended straight flush draw) with two cards to come...and couldn't get there. I didn't want a repeat, obviously. So, I sitting staring at the glow of the screen wondering what to play and who to give my money to and I put my name on a waiting list for .05/.10 NLHE, and then I happen to glance at the coffee table. There's my CardPlayer magazine, with my wife's favorite poker god on the cover, Patrik Antonius (I don't even want to think about what unspeakable acts...) And I recall Teresa recapping for me the article (yeah, she looks for the articles) and she had told me that when Patrick first started playing it was online and he deposited a couple hundred bucks and played PLO, and within a couple months had turned $200 into $20,000! Well to hell with her poker eye candy, I can do that too! (Okay, no I can't but I'd like to anyway.) So I drop my name on the .05/.10 Pot Limit Omaha game (Hi/Lo) since that was where the peeps were. I get called to that table first! Of course not long after that I get seated at the Hold 'em table as well, so I end up playing both poker varieties simultaneously, which remarkably didn't get confusing at all!

Again, I know these are some mighty low stakes for the most of you, but right now let's just call it "good bankroll management" on my part. Okay!? So, I've got $20 in total sitting on the tables, and of course it starts out slow for our hero. But then a rhythm starts. I start to get hit by the deck. Man I remember sessions like this! They haven't happened in a very long time. I wasn't playing great, just getting cards, and for once was capitalizing on the opportunities that were presenting themselves. The Hold 'em table I was mostly treading water on, and it finally started to break up. I ended up playing heads up for a while against one guy who was just cleanin' my clock, winning pots with a card just one better, most often. If I had a Jack, he had a Queen, you get the picture. No biggie, I was really more focused on the Omaha table, inspired by my wife's man candy. Normally when I sit down to play with $10 at a table, I'm content to walk away with a buck or two, ah hell I'm content just to walk away being down by that much. Tonight though, I cashed out from Omaha for over $33!!! Yeah, I know, more than tripled up at a table. Why? Like I said I was getting hit by the deck, and I was just playing to have a good time. I wasn't bogged down by the typical bullshit. I was there to relax shake off a little of the day's wear and tear. I started playing more drawing hands, scoping out straights and flushes. Then, my attention was grabbed by the fact that most of these guys were playing the high and seldom the low, when betting. So, I started sweetening the pot for myself with my low hands, and taking 'em down. Then I hit a series of full boats, when the board screamed flush and a few times I was flopping my boat! On top of that, I was scooping (taking the high and the low in a number of cases.) I even hit Quad Kings once and destroyed some guys full house, and sent him to rail cryin' for mommie! When I finally cashed out, I felt satisfied (for once.) I don't credit my win to great play at all, but I was able to boost my wins and milk 'em for all they were worth.
When I looked down at the coffee table again, I swear Patrick winked and gave me the thumbs up. Yes, Teresa he's a good looking guy... I'd do him! : ) She hates it when I say that! :P

But speaking of good lookin' can I assume that this is his wife? She's not too hard on the eyes either!

Anyway, it's time to call this a blog post and get on with the rest of the world.



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