Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pause for station identification

Let's go off the air, or at least pause for station identification or better yet detach from the daily insanity of the workplace.  Those of you have visited my blog on any sort of regular basis have noted that lately my postings have been far and few between.  They've been erratic.  If you could see me as I've banged them out on the keyboard you would note the tightening of the jaw, the quickening of my breath, the ever-present scowl.  There is developing in me (and it's in the latter stages) an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness.  Or helplessness at being hopeless...  Well, you know what, that sounds like a victim talking. And in the words of an old movie character friend, Worm, "...fuck all that!"  Yeah, he said it, go back and watch Rounders if you don't believe me.  Also uttered in the scene were (by Mike) "I can't lose what I don't put in the middle."  And later on (by Worm) "grinding it out on his leather ass."  These are NOT the sentiments I want to feel the need to express about my work.  FFS, life on this mud-ball we call Earth is much to short.  Why spend it being miserable?  Well, all have responsibilities, and we love our respective families and want the best for them, and so sometimes we just suck it up and take it.  But I'm really reaching that point at which I'm giving every ounce of my being into doing a good job, providing well-researched, wise decisions for my little nitch of the organization... only to have them die on the vine. I wouldn't mind so much being informed of a different office politics agenda, but having ideas dashed just "because" on a whim by parasites, well it just doesn't sit well.  I've uttered (or muttered) it before, there are those that do work, and then there are those that profit from the work of others.  In this case, it's even worse...  Some people just need to get out of the way, and let progress... PRO-GRESS! 

I tried to get this posted earlier, but as luck would have it, more nitwittery prevailed, and time was lost again.  Just more minutes that I'll never get back.



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