Friday, November 06, 2009

Who's BEST for poker?

A very good article over at PokerNews from yesterday: I know, I know I'm behind. Work has truly kept me hopping as of late. But idle hands and all that... The article by Nicole Gordon discusses which of the World Series of Poker's November Nine will be BEST for poker. It's an interesting read, check it out.

My prediction (or who's my pony in this race?) Phil Ivey... I just like the guy. I enjoy watching him play. That vacant stare, and the darting eyes. There's a cold-calculating mind in there but I really think the guy is truly a phenom! He's an incredibly intuitive player. Phil is unfortunately on the short side of the stacks... If not Phil then my second pick for WSOP glory would be Darvin Moon. He's somewhat local! He hails from Maryland, but earned his seat by winning it at Wheeling Island, right here in West BY GOD Virginia! It makes for one of those great stories, of "Local Boy Makes Good!" Of course I can openly root for Jeff Shulman as well, he's well known in the poker community and it'd be a good thing if he took down the win too. Of them all, Phil would be BEST for poker's image. He's a talented, charismatic personality and a win by him would indeed elevate the idea that skill does indeed play an enormous part in poker and he'd be a good candidate to sell it to the world. I agree completely with the author's assertion there. As for one of the "unknown"-ish NOOB's winning it and sparking yet another poker explosion... I don't know. The game is very much alive in the U.S. although the UIGEA did put a big lid on it for folks. But I can't tell you how many games I can still find every week right here in my own hometown, far removed from the Vegas skyline. The specter of poker illegality simply put a dent in online poker for a season. I like many others still believe that at some point the laws will be repealed or just fade into obscurity. I have a lot of friends that don't play poker... and they could care less if I choose to do so or not. It is that which gives me pleasure and joy. And sensible human beings I think respect that and won't throw their weight and support behind the silliness that the UIGEA introduced. All that said, though I don't think a poker-splotion is in the cards again. Moneymaker truly did give hope to the huddled masses to climb to greatness in the poker world, but really all it did for me was get me logged on to a computer to play some micro-stakes. I haven't plugged any sort of hole in the poker economy. I guess some others did way back then.

Wow, but I've rambled on... Uhmmm tonight there's cards to be played at the Yanok's! Gametime 7-ish. Always a good crowd, always a good time. Big Red and I are still on the fence about going, since she has been sick for a while, albeit no longer contagious. I'm feeling like 70% that we'll be there, since she's going STIR CRAZY from sitting at home all this time. She's gonna want to go back out into the world if she can stand it. So, I hope to see you all tonight, but if we don't make it play your hearts out gang!

Oh and don't forget the WSOP's Final Table does come back together starting tomorrow at High Noon, Vegas Time! Leading up to a much anticipated/hyped showdown among the nine, which will culminate the 10th of November on TV. Yes, of course I'll be watching... but thanks to the fine folks doing the Live Blogging at, I really won't need to now will I! : P



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