Friday, January 15, 2010


You know your blog has REALLY ARRIVED when your employer's internet proxy coughs up one of these babies!!!  This may be one of the proudest moments of my "Adult/Mature" life!  : )

But thanks to friends in low places (thanks Uncle June & Del) I was not only alerted to the issue, but was also able to rectify the problem.  So now my blogladytes... feel free to return to your basking in the glow of cheer_dad's wanton disregard for moral turpitude and shit SHOOT!   Actually, I'm a little confused I haven't ranted profanic at all recently, not so much as a "dubya-tee-efff"...!?!  Haven't used the word boobies, in like forever!  (Oh damn it... I mean dadgummit.)  BUT, you know this high moral fiber that's holding this great country together is important to me, so I'll do my part to get back on the ole straight-and-narrow.  (Maybe it was the spammer who was posting the links to the Asian porn sites on my old blog posts until I went all moderator-ish on his ass, I mean heiney...  Okay, okay, I'll stop now.  Interestingly though, the filters didn't get hung up on "Gambling!"  I can't tell you the number of the poker blogs that I read regularly who've been banned as Gambling sites and get a similarly phrased denial message... Not that you can place a single wager on a one of them, but just key words of "poker" or "vegas" and it's like "THE MAN" puts up a "Road Closed" sign on the information super-D-duper highway.  Or as Shamus might say, these here intertubes!  There oughta be a law agin it!

Looking forward to the long-weekend, although we have no plans to do anything or go anywhere.  It'll just be nice to get away from the job for a while and cuddle for warmth with the wife.  Hmmm, maybe even a little online poker debauchery is in order too.  : P

Time to run kiddies... just a little under 2 hours and you can call me outa here!



1 comment:

Short-Stacked Shamus said...

Congrats, cheer_dad!

Funny how anything poker-related is considered "adult/mature" on these here intertubes. Seems like I run into very few adult/mature types at the online tables.