Monday, January 11, 2010

No, really?

C'mon... 7 degrees?!?  That shouldn't be legal for Monday.  Then again Monday's themselves should be outlawed as well.  Yes, it was a cold morning here in the 'burg.  Snow and ice still covers the ground, but at least I'm not committed to 4-wheel drive for the morning commute now.  But, I heard there is more of the white stuff in the forecast, so hunker down and pray for spring. 

The first game Eagles' Texas Hold'em Tournament of 2010 treated me good.  I finished 2nd to Eric Shuman on Friday.  As Uncle June mentions over on his blog we were pleasantly surprised by the turnout of 30 players, despite the snowfall.  Thanks to everyone who showed up for the game and we sincerely hope everyone had a good time.  I drank excessively (yeah go figure) and sloughed off the work week burden.  I was boss-less last week (and again this week) and so I've been inserted into the mix for a few extra duties.  They're not so bad in and of themselves but not when coupled with everything else on the plate.  But, this too shall pass. 

Saturday (skip ahead to evening) since we slept in.  Big Red took her position in front of the TV to cheer her beloved Dallas Cowboys on to their first playoff win of the season against the Philadelphia Eagles.  Like I posted to Facebook, it would've made life rough around our home for a while had they not won. 

The kiddies of Wood County should be headed back to school today, after nearly a week of snow days last week.  I'm sure the homework will flow...  Also, Cole's basketball games and practice will finally get underway and there will be all those makeup games to tend to as well.  The first game is tonight, which reminds me I need to leave a little early to get him there on time. 

Next up on the Poker front...Frank's wanting me to head up with him to Wheeling Island on the 18th for a WSOP NLHE Super Satellite.  Buy-in is $130.  The "points" winner of this and the 3 prior events will receive the added bonus of playing heads up against WSOP 2009 final tabler Darvin Moon, in what Wheeling is billing as the Ultimate Challenge.  Check out the website for additional details on this event and all the other promotional tournaments being offered.

The Yanok's will play host at the end of the month January 29th, with their start to the 2010 Yanok's Poker Season.  I believe he said every game night will feature 2 tournaments, with both being qualifier events for the year end extravaganza.  I mention this only because I'm now the defending champion!  : P

Beyond that, also keep on your radar February 5th at 7:00pm at the Eagles Lodge where a charity Hold'em Tournament is scheduled for the Relay for Life.  The organizers are hoping to draw a sizeable crowd for this one, so please come out to play and help out this worthy cause.  $20 tournament +$5 donation. 

One week later on the February 12th, will be the next regularly scheduled Eagles Tournament.  So there's plenty of games set up for our immediate future.  Almost enough to quench even my poker thirst.  I'll be seeing you here, there, and everywhere!



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