Thursday, May 10, 2007

Lost is getting GOOD!

Okay, so tell me who's as ate up with this show as much as I am?!? And if you have to ask...then you won't understand. But to give you the benefit of the's LOST! Last season, albeit still good to me, was just a bit of a lull in the action, more character development which is necessary too. But WOW the producers are cranking it UP this season. Big Red and I have been along for the ride for the whole season and we really look forward to Wednesday nights @ 10:00. If you aren't watching...what are you waiting for. Well then again, don't start in right now. Go to Blockbuster and get caught up on the previous episodes first...quickly. Stop reading this fool blog, and go NOW! I'm not going to post any spoilers here, since many of the poker gang are fans of the series as well, and there's some of you that haven't watched any of the season and prefer to wait for the DVD's to come out. To you I say in...P-UGH!!! : ) Sorry dude, couldn't resist. To get caught up on the show head to the forums, you'll be glad you did. Particularly look for the "pix" of Jacob. That was GREAT! But enough about that...

Poker has not been overly kind over the past few days/weeks. I know...I know I won the tourney here at the house last week, but I subsequently BLEW it online, getting it in there with the best of it, and ending up on the short end. Cracked Kings and Cracked Aces cost me $40 in one day. I was admittedly reeling from the feeling. Then I went absolutely friggin' CARD DEAD. Hey, gang it happens. If you think it's a myth, trust me...I'll be there laughing and pointing at each of you when it happens to you. Seeing that look of agonizing disbelief and grief on your faces will be all the payback that I'll need! Misery loves company, but I've had to remain largely silent about the ordeal! Most of you the NDPT'ers are not online players, and the pain is foreign to you. All joking aside, I wouldn't wish it on any of you. Well maybe some of you...and not for long...well at least not TOO LONG anyway. I know I'm all heart. Really though gang...I'm kidding, no...really! : )

Big Red had tennis tonight, so I opted for 3...$5 SNG's. I finished 4th (no money) in the last one to finish. BUT the other 2 I finished in 2nd place in each of them. So, I made like $13.50. Hey when you're down over $80...anything on the positive side of the line, will friggin' do. And now as I pour my heart out here in ye ole blog...I'm playing two .10/.20 NL tables. Playing absolutely nothing but premium hands, and I mean it. The poker gods thumbed their noses at me giving me pocket aces, with which I raised preflop, got a raise and an additional caller/huckleberry. Screw this suckout calling here boys and girls, I shoved 'em all in. Hey they don't call, but this pot puts me up $5 for the table. Nothing fancy about the game, tonight, strictly by the book. I'm trying to log my 65 hands so I can collect my Poker Rewards points from the fine folks at PokerSavvy...and request either Visa Gift Cards or more Copags. I'm thinking this time it'll have to be the cash, which will prop me back up to being just shy of the original PokerRewards buy-in. I'm hoping that my new found force of will...will be enough to get me back in the saddle. Well that coupled with my wicked awesome skills, DUH!

Uhmmm, what else...? Work's been a real bitch lately. Worked over last night on patches, and troubleshooting. I'm tired, the week has taken it's toll on me. Too many meetings and fact gathering mission to count. I'll be glad to put an end to this one. Tomorrow I have a baseball game, and I think it'll go well if the boys show up to play. Bring the A-GAME! After that...hey it's poker night at the Yanok's. Good friends, good cards, good times! Is there anything else?

Enough with the rambling...back to battle.



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