Thursday, May 24, 2007

Time wasting and other anomolies

Today started off strangely. It's funny how an odd tangent of conversation sends the day careening of into the unknown. I was posting to the team that I think we have a server time synchronization problem. This sent us spiralling off at first, to where I later answered an email with a statement about wormholes. I later continued the comments in the face of other responses with a dissertation on them as one of the team put it. Lucky for me, someone else on the internet was available for plagiarism. See these links:
Enough about them...then and actually at the same time I gave the movie "Lucky You" a watch. Movie that includes poker, main character a poker player, still with a decent story line. I think I understand the downside of compulsive gambling now.. Sheesh! I'll end up watching it again when I can give it full attention. I'm only half absorbing a movie while I'm in here, it's honestly just background noise to me. It helps me to shut out the world around. It's especially good when I'm working on spreadsheets. Don't know why, helps me keep focus. Anyway the movie is good, and I highly recommend it to you all. I won't discuss it further than that, so as not to give it away and ruin your viewing pleasure.

I spent/wasted A LOT of time today, unfortunately reading up on LOST! The season finale was last night, and the writers DELIVERED. Great show guys, you knocked that one outa the PARK! Rather than me re-analyzing it all for you, let me just point you in the right direction. I love this site, and the screencaps are GREAT!

I know it'll all come to an end one day, but the story is the thing. These guys are telling it well!

I know that will make very little sense but to anyone who hasn't watched the episode, but that scene I suspect will set off a series of events which we have not yet seen. But there was plenty there last night to fill in the 2-hours that it took. Ya gotta love this show. Okay I won't ruin it anymore. But man I wish you people would get as obsessed about this show as I am!

We have baseball tonight, then one more day of work, before my 4-day weekend. WAHOO! We're going to take the kids to see Pirates of the Caribbean, which I want to see too. We're supposed to go over to Casa de Wolfe on Friday, and then to the Jackson's on Saturday. Beyond that, who knows. Frank and Julie are hosting a card night in their new home. Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing it again, and just the simple getting together of friends!
Also, this week, since I've neglected the ole blog, I need to include the announcement of the arrival of Eric and Sabrina's new bundle of joy Kolsen! 6 lbs 8 oz, 19 1/2 inches long. Take a look at that handsome guy. Congratulations! Big Red and I will check in on you when you get settled back in at home. Too much OT, and baseball coaching this week to even break away to come see you at the hospital. If they'd only stay this way forever huh... well except for the dirty diapers and total lack of sleep for the parents!
Well I should get back to it, or at least pretend. Have a good one.

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