The family and I are back from our nation's capital after a fun weekend of doing the tourist thing. We visited the White House at 8:00pm on Friday, for a quick tour. It was great to actually visit... but honestly they really need to spice things up a little on that tour. Not that I expected to see the Prez wander out into the hall in his boxers or something, but I'm just saying... Following the tour we headed down to the Lincoln Memorial, to take in the view of the Reflection Pool, then walked along to see the Korean and Viet Nam War Memorials, which are on either side of the pool. I absolutely love the Korean Memorial. If you've never visited it, I highly recommend it. It is beautiful, eerie, and makes me feel humble and proud all at the same time, every time I visit it. Also, take it all in at night...
The following day we went on a whirlwind tour of a couple of the Smithsonian Museums, the National History and Air and Space Museums. We spent hours in each, and even took in an IMAX movie, which was spectacular. The kids clearly favored Day 2 of the trip. Of course, Cole would have been content to have rode around on the Metro all day and night. I'll remember that on future vacations! CHEAP! I did manage to snap several pictures though, including the one of Cole hamming it up with the Washington Monument.
We got back late and collapsed into bed early Sunday morning. We slept in a little, before heading to the football field at Warren, OH. Our boys played great and won their game 18-6. Cole played on the line offense and defense for the whole first half, and most of the 3rd quarter, when they started subbing in our other players. He did great and I was proud of him... We always check out the new "colors" on his helmet after every practice and game. There was lots and lots of new blue after this one. Those big boys hit big too!
Today, I spent mowing the lawn and catching up on the vacation laundry, ugh... Okay it was a day off from work, spent working nonetheless. Hope all is well with each of you.