Sunday, March 14, 2010

Daylight Savings Time indeed

Well here I sit at the computer screen on an early Sunday morning, before 7am.  I have to laugh just a little over an honest mistake.  My loving wife set the alarm clock last night for me to get up for work (Sunday maintenance window) and took care of the "spring forward" hour too.  It seems however that the fancy, shmancy alarm clock, with its internal settings adjusted itself, as well... by timezone... Not sure, but suffice it to say, your ole buddy cheer_dad's up an hour earlier than needed!  On the plus side, some quiet ME time, and a much needed blog post huh...

Work still is pushing the limits of existence, but I'm surviving it.  We'll see what today holds... 

On a positive note congrats to the WVU Mountaineers on a fantastic nail-biter of a victory last night in the Big East Championship!  Facebook is absolutely littered with celebratory remarks from my friends. 

Hope all is well with each of you!



1 comment:

Short-Stacked Shamus said...

Them machines. One step ahead of us. All of 'em.

Enjoy yr Sunday.