Wednesday, March 03, 2010

egg on my face

Sometimes I amaze even myself.  The complete and utter dunderhead that I am.  It takes a random act of idiocy to snap me around a bit and force me to take stock in myself and just how a lousy attitude is a force which will feed and fuel itself.  That is until you reach the point of meltdown and snap at the exact wrong time.  That time was tonight for me.  Worse the object of my rage was some kid who was watching the same basketball game that I was.  Now... what he was doing I have absolutely NO USE for.  In an elementary school basketball game there is no place for making distracting noises when the opposing team is shooting foul shots.  And doing so every time is a real big no-no for me too.  These kids are playing their hearts out.  They deserve our attention and respect.  This kid who I later learned was 12 did it just one too many times right in front of me.  His mother who sat a few feet away opted to let it continue.  Me... with the lousy couple of days I've had unloaded both barrels and yelled and told him to "shut up!"  In hindsight... not one of my classier, better moves.  Of course mama bear came to the defense of her cub, the boy child who had already launched into his best "I'm bad" act...  Already my mind is racing, what the hell did you just do?  Are you an idiot?  Clearly I was and am not proud of the moment.  I can offer only as a reason a few bad days bottled up, but it's not an excuse.  The incident has caused a bit of a re-evaluation.  Maybe I shouldn't focus on the negative as it simply leads to more negative emotion, and the inevitable blow up.  So, I've got egg on my face, shame on my mind, but in the end laughing at myself for being such an idiot.  Kid, whoever you were... my apologies for my mouth, but take your own inventory...  As for mom, you were right to defend, I suppose even your son... however, belaboring the point through the rest of the game to try and showcase it for your adoring friends and family... it was then that I understood the boy.  Good luck to you kid.

But I suppose no one died, and it didn't come to blows, although I think Big Red was about to break out a can of whoopass (in MY defense), as my own flare of temper was fizzling out.  To those of you who know me... that just ain't me, and it isn't exactly characteristic.  Although, I have had my moments!  Live and learn...improve.



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