Thursday, March 08, 2007

Hello, anyone out there?

"Where U Been, cheer_dad?"

I know gang, I've once again been remiss in my duties as blogger. And I apologize. I put in over 110 hours in the last 2-week pay period. Weekends, evening, and time in general seemed to be non-existent. Hell, even my poker play went on hiatus! The DST patches wait for no man though...and the magical date is coming ever closer, when the clocks will change as mandated by Congress, and we must comply! Just like ultimately we'll comply with that other crap piece of legislation which outlawed online poker! Eventually it will happen, and there's nothing you or I can do about it. "Sorry 'bout yer to be you!" --to coin a phrase.

I've been trying to eat a little healthier for a few days now. I've sworn off regular chips, potato and corn...and have been opting instead for the Baked Lays. And haven't had much pop either. Took a swig or so, last night during our maintenance, when there was nothing else on the desk to reach for. Instead I've been drinking water, some Sunny D, and regular orange juice. Also, when I've been hungry at night, I've opted for sliced apple. No if work slows a bit and allows me breathing room, I'll hop back on the treadmill either here or at home. But we are short handed, and I doubt it'll slow up, but I'm going to have to make some choices soon on it.

I got an old movie/music/documentary that I've been enjoying again. Sting's Bring on the Night. It documented the creation of and performance by the band Sting put together on his "solo" album Dream of the Blue Turtles. Heavy jazz influence, which takes me back to those Edison Jr High stage band days. Made me think of the old Sammy Nestico A Warm Breeze album which I haven't been able to find online for download. But I guess it is a niche item, huh.

We were invited to Shuman's for a cash game on Friday, that I'd like to attend if Big Red will allow. Please oh please... OH and speaking of Poker...WV legislation just passed to make provisions for "table-gaming" in the state at specific dog/horse track locations, in addition to the accursed slot machine/video lottery machines. Each county may vote the issue themselves. I would have to guess that there may be overwhelming support for such a move. Poker room opportunities may be just around the corner people. This is BIG people...REALLY BIG! I'm psyched! Can you here the joy in my words!?!?

Anyway, I've rambled on for long enough. Hope this makes up for my extended blog absence. Until next time...



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