Sunday, March 25, 2007

NDPT chips

I don't know why I took so long to do it...but I finally took some pictures of the NDPT chips. What prompted it was a fellow HPT'er who asked a question about chip labelling. He was tossing the idea around of labelling, but didn't know if he could justify the idea of spending all the coin on his "Dice" chips. And I could sympathize with this thought process. I mean the chips now are cheap. (They weren't that cheap when I first bought 'em but heck they are now. And the original question kept coming back to the guy's mind, of why would I want to spend over $100 to label 1,000 dice chips! So I offered up my situation and experience as an example. I was late in getting the image posted, but since I finally uploaded it to I thought I should share it out here as well! I'm still very happy with my chips...and I just ordered the final set of labels to complete the labelling of EVERY chip that I have for tournament and cash game play. Whew! I think everyone that plays at the house really likes the chips too. Eventually I will graduate to a high end set, but for now, I kinda like these, so I'll hang on to them for a while! :)
Some of us played at the house last night, actually squeezed in two tournaments. I started everyone off with $2,000 tournament chips this time, which actually changed play styles and strategy, and was a refreshing change. BUT, I can't say that it actually improved anyone's play. JR and I opted to chop the prize pool at the end of Game #2, for $80 each, which broke Big Red and I even for the night. I'd like to count the win of $40 to myself, though seeing as I friggin' TILTED my way to an online loss of about $300!!! A lot of it BlackJack inflicted. Man, will I never learn. But that's what happens to a weak mind when Kings get cracked, then a set of 6's by a set of 9's...and finally my 9's getting bested by a slow player of Q's. The horror people...the horror. Now, $300 might seem small to some of you, though probably not any of the miscreants that I play with, but some of my fellow Poker Bloggers out there, I'm just a penny ante chump! be it. I like my poker like I like my uh wait, sorry Big Red, I didn't mean it! I should be bothered more by the loss than I am. But it taught me a lesson...and one that I hope I remember for a long time. Be aware of the table and those playing it. The pots that blur by which are small potatoes, that bore you to tears, then you get involved and the pot size grows exponentially, maybe the poker gods are telling you something. Maybe the peon on the other side of the table is too. He's got the monster, the hand killer, the stack depleter and in the morning he's gonna be telling all his buddies about the "DONK" he spanked in the online game last night. Don't let it be you. Also, more importantly. I need to learn to bump up my betting levels. What seems like a respectable "go away" raise to me, is just an invitation to rock my world to a lot of the players I'm running into these days online. Either they're getting better or they're getting worse. I should tighten down, take the small pot wins in position...and accept when my big cards get cracked, and move on. Get you money in when you've got the best of it...and protect it when you don't. Words to live by Mike McDee. Listen to Big Daddy Kinish and profit from the trail he blazed with his own bad beats. Read and follow the playbook he has laid before you. Sheesh, maybe I've been watching Rounders too much lately!
Well that's an uber post, from my perspective and rather than continuing to ramble on, I'll bring it to a close! :)

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