Sunday, August 05, 2007

Top 10 quotes from NDPT #8

  1. "It's a Royal Flush!!!"
  2. " me your 4."
  3. "It tastes just like a Cherry Tootsie Roll"..."I didn't know Tootsie Rolls came in Cherry!?"
  4. "I'll have to remember that move for later!" --Shelley, after getting JJ to lay down his hand.
  5. "Pay up beeyatch," said JR to All-In-Allman, because of a $5 prop bet, on when Steve would bust out.
  6. "I can't quench my thirst," --Matt J, after a day of beer and moonshine out on the golf course.
  7. "I asked her if I could play...and she didn't say 'NO' so I took it as a yes..." (just guess who made that statement.)
  8. That table was particularly MEATY!!!
  9. "The keg is dead" ...please, a moment of silence. :(
  10. "No one cares about that hand that you had that one time..."

Just a few quick observations/quotes that summed up NDPT Tournament #8, from last night.



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