Friday, July 28, 2006

Class of '86 Reunion

Tonight the wife and I are off to my 20 year high school class reunion. We're supposed to take a river cruise this evening on one of the Sternwheelers. Dancing, drinking, chatting, it should be a good time. We opted not to attend the second night, for no good reason, other than we just didn't want to take another night. Hope to see some of my old friends from school, but then again, I work with a lot of the people that I graduated with!

I calculated it up a while ago, and I figured now that I have close to $950 in my online bankroll. Bonuses, and affiliates have contributed to that figure, but hey, all that from an early $90 investment, before I had much of a clue about what I was doing. I'd like to think I'm getting better, but I'm still cautious, and continuing to wait a while before I move up my limits. Don't want to fool around with the system that has worked thus far. I'll just keep climbing at a slower pace.

A good deal of shake up has occurred here at work, with regard to the chain of command. Who I report to has changed a great deal over the past few months, and it continues to morph!

I'm feeling very tired today, for some reason, even though I went to bed at the same time last night. Maybe it's just the first week back, after my vacation, and it has taken its toll.

Time to run off to something else!



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