Monday, November 27, 2006

Getting a cold

I think I'm trying to get a cold. Okay, who am I trying to kid. I have a cold...and it's kickin' my backside. I've been taking the Tylenol Cold like it's candy...but of course that is just treating the symptoms, and doing nothing about getting me over it. I have a feeling this one as usual will require antibiotics! I'm off today...but have had a few errands to attend to. First, I had to drag myself out of bed...sick even...then go get an oil change, and alignment on the truck. That wasted an hour and a half of my day! Now, I'm putting in about an hour or so of play time on GamingClub (raked hand points toward yet another $75.) They just keep offering it...and I keep playing. Seems everytime I start out however, that I immediately take a BIG hit. This time...I went up first...then fell hard! Started at $340, got up to $367...then absofrigginlutely bottomed out, and fell below $300. On tilt after that...I wasn't at the time. Tilt had nothing to do with it. I tried loosening up my game a bit at the Limit Tables. Looking back on my play, it is obvious I'm WAY TOO TIGHT, and not giving myself enough opportunities to cash in. Unfortunately just nothing was panning out. Good Hands/Bad didn't matter I was losing on everything. I couldn't make anything happen. My tilt move came later, when I decided to lick my wounds over a few rounds of blackjack. The first session went great! I was making some ground back...but I pushed just a wee-bit too much...and Lady Luck frowned! Still back at around $300 I started a slow climb back. I'm at around $320 right now with about 450 hands in toward the required 750! Well on my way...and only need to finish up by Dec 4th. Should be there in no time. I'm edging closer to $330 right now...yes I'm typing slow...and playing two tables at the same time. It's called multi-tasking right?! Also, got an email from GamingClub today, inviting me to a $1,000 freeroll tonight. And as luck would have it Big Red's going out tonight with the girls! Darn the luck! Anyway...back to the game(s).



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