Thursday, November 02, 2006

The remains of the day...

I wish it were Friday, but little that would buy me, since I have to work Saturday as well. Will these server moves in the acursed data center NEVER be done? But it does keep a paycheck coming my way, so I guess I'll suck it up! I'd rather be back here...

Drinking one of these:

Playing a lot of this:

And winning a lot of these:

But instead, I may have to settle tonight at El Ranchero for pitchers of these:

Oh well, that ain't half bad now is it!

In other news, I played GamingClub last night for about 150 hands. I was 3-tabling it, 2 "1/2" Limit games, and another .25/.50 No Limit game. I made $50 for the night...and logged in around 450 hands for the week so far. I only need another 300 before the 6th of November to claim a $75 bonus offer! GamingClub has offered me this a number of times, and I keep taking them up on it. This will help build back the $400 I took offline before last week's Vegas Trip. We used it to play on and later to pay some bills when we got back. So, maybe my new goal in online poker should be to finance my Vegas trips. could happen, and GamingClub is helping to make it happen. Thanks, and please visit them, and tell 'em cheer_dad sent ya.

It's been a long week already, and it just keeps going on and on, but the work still remains so it's time to get back to it!



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