Monday, April 23, 2007

A little rereading...

I just read back through the last post and the one before, and it should be noted that I breathed that sigh of relief, when things looked to have swung back my way, but that doesn't appear to have been the case judging by the weekend's report. What I had made "back" was largely if not completely friggin' destroyed by the losing weekend. Somedays I really hate this game! All too often I find myself embroiled in the "monster pots." Is this because I'm only playing premium hands? Why is it that a table will chug along dabbling in the shallow end of the betting spectrum, until I get involved, and it escalates and blows out the top of the betting pattern and the pot. For instance yesterday's $162-ish pot that I lost. I went in, way ahead. Got my money in with the best of it, and came up lacking! I know this is a bit of a "feeling sorry for myself" question but, why do I have to always be involved in the friggin' Day Ender plays. And almost ALWAYS come up short. My online and offline winnings are generally modest, small runs at it, and pocket a few bucks here and there. But I watch others catapult up in $$$'s and generally at my expense, and not because I donked it off, I'm just getting sucked out on oft times. How to turn that tide? How to "fix" if it is even broken in the first place? This is going to have an affect on my play. I don't want it to. So, I'll give myself some time away from the game. I'm in no way going to be able to look past this for a while. Because I'm apt to start playing scared, and some numb nuts at the table is going to pick up on it, and badger me, until I fume, and experience a blow up, that dumps off my bankroll. I'd just like to get back even for a while, and sit there. Heck, I wouldn't even mind just going stagnant for a while. It'd for certain be better, than this continual downward spiral that I seem to have encountered. I really used to enjoy my poker time and look forward to whiling the hours away, but lately it has been a death march.

Before I get to feeling any more downtrodden, I think I'll leave it at that.
Thanks for listening...



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