Thursday, August 28, 2008

It doesn't get easier

I ran across the following post on a blog that I frequent in which blogger "jjok" laments the fact that his daughters headed off for their first day of kindergarten and that they were growing up, it was all making him a little sad... and that sooner than he wanted he knew they'd be talking about "bras and boys." I remember the same feelings when my kids left for school as well. Seems like yesterday.

Unfortunately, "jjok" I wish I had better news for you, but this is what those little pony-tailed girls will end up doing to you someday:

They grow up...

This one headed off to her first day of high school on Tuesday. Eventually I know it'll be college, and then worse she'll be bringing some "guy" home to meet the folks. (shudder)

I'd like to pretend that it won't be so bad with my son, who is younger, but in the end I know it'll be just as bad. It's just right now it seems like there's a lot more time to deal with the eventuality of it all. We've still got more days of elementary school and little league, thank goodness, but even those are numbered. Either way, try as we might to stop it, our kids are going to grow up on us. All we can do is do our best by them, equip them as best we can and give them love.

The time escapes me... but it was never mine to keep.




OhCaptain said...

Damn! I'm looking for the brakes and you aren't helping :-) My youngest goes of to kindergarten next week and my oldest is in 4th grade. This train is moving too fast....

Nice post

jjok said...

thanks for the's a great time but also one that makes me realize that they aren't much of babies any more.....

and I accept that......haha