Friday, August 15, 2008

Pack the House

Last word from Mr. Yanok sounds like the basement is going to be full, when it comes time for the cards to get in the air. Tonight at 7:30 we'll converge at the Yanok home for the August qualifier tournament. Maybe I'll actually get around to doing well in one of these. This one would be a good one to take down too, since the numbers, the $$$, and the points will all be high. But let's not get ahead of ourselves huh...

The work day was short, as promised but I actually had to put in some actual work before calling it a day at noon. This Configuration Management thing will most certainly be the death of me. But on a positive note... we leave for vacation on Sunday for Myrtle Beach, again! Unfortunately, Whitney won't be coming along with us this time, as her cheerleading duties and schedule have re-prioritized her life. She's okay with it all though. I haven't heard any complaints anyway. What with all that teenage angst, she's probably looking forward to the time away from the 'rents! For any of you little twits out there who are thinkin' about stopping by to hang with my little girl while I'm out of town, just wipe it from your little brain! She'll be heavily guarded.

Gotta run, now and take Whit and Jordan to the Homecoming festivities. Then, poker Yanok style awaits!



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