Monday, August 25, 2008

Oh yeah... it's a lot like that.

Here I am, fresh back from vacation, once again working for "the man." I've been quickly refitted with the requisite chains and bindings. I can already feel my jaw slacking, and my back beginning to hunch over from the labor of it all. And for Pete's sake, I have a damned office job. How can so much shit get piled back on in a single morning. Not to mention I'm still trying to catch up on the emails from while I was away that were upwards of 400 total. Admittedly, that's low compared to what normally greets me on a return.
I've already heard Laura comment that she's ready to go back to Myrtle Beach and grab a bottle of Jack Daniels for the trip to drown the sorrows. In the picture above, I think she's one of the shadowy figures in the back. I feel like the 3rd in line. The guy in the front bears a striking resemblance to online moniker "Short Stacked Shamus." Hmmmm, go figure. Thankfully Shamus is generally a little more upbeat.
Anyway, work is here and about what I expected. I'm hoping to catch up with JR and Frank today to see how their trips to Tri-State Racetrack and Casino turned out. I'm hoping if nothing else that I can get in a couple of SNG's at some point in the next coupla days to quench the poker thirst.
Over vacation I read quite a bit. I want to recommend the author Christopher Moore to each of you. I devoured two of his books You Suck: A Love Story and Practical Demonkeeping over vacation. I even dropped him an email as appreciation and admiration of his writing, to which I got a response. How cool was that! Anyway, if you haven't done so before, check him out. His twisted wit and story telling were just right up my alley, hope you find him that way too. Right now, I'm indulging in a Jimmy Buffett novel trying to get my "island chill" on with A Salty Piece of Land trying to combat the drudgery of the workweek.
OHHH, and as a side note. I want to thank the nameless faceless person who found my wallet last night outside the restaurant and took it to the manager. Yup, I lost my wallet and didn't even know it, when I get a call from the Eagles Lodge of all things. Turns out the manager found my Eagles membership card and called them to have them get in touch with me to inform me that they had my wallet!?! Whatever, I was glad of it. To top it off, all the cash, id's, credit cards, and dust bunnies were all still present and accounted for. So whoever you were, thanks a lot pal! There are still a few good people out there in the world. My faith in humanity is renewed again.

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