Friday, February 06, 2009

New position

For once drunken poker was a loser for me. : ) Oddball beats and the almighty river put an end to my idiotic streak. BUT, I'm only down a little over $11, and considering that I was probably an additional $50 in the hole at one point, trust me sports fans your ole pal cheer_dad's just fine with it. Too bad I hit a couple bad hands early on, because on one of the 4 tables I cashed out for nearly $73. The night which led up to the few hundred hands of poker was a crazy time. Big Red and I , Chris and Laura, and JR, and even John and LeeAnn made it to the Eagles for the drawing. The alcohol was a flowin'! Laura and I today tried to reconstruct the amounts. Still not positive but somewhere in the neighborhood of 6 pitchers were downed, an inordinate number of Jack n Diets, and don't forget the tall beers that started it all off at Buffalo Wild Wings. Degenerates each and every one of us. I think I'm just now beginning to sober up.

Okay not as bad as all that I suppose. Work had the typical Friday boredom, except for the fact that I was informed that I'm getting a new boss. And I'm going to be doing something completely different at work, due to our reorganization. I could get all upset about it, but you know it's just a job and it's work that I'll figure out in time. I'm going to be a Team Lead still but over another group of guys and on something that I've never done before. What a day... over the next few coming weeks, I'll be assuming the new role. Step one... figure out what they hell they even do. Learn it, love it, own it.

I'll cover the new position as I find out more, but right now I'm as in the dark as everyone else is. Oh well, I learned how to do what I do now, I guess I'll figure this out too.



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