Thursday, September 07, 2006

A 4-day weekend, just isn't long enough

The work week came back around way too quickly! Despite the fact that I was off Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday; my time away from work just seems to short. I even got to play a tournament on Sunday at my house. Although I didn't win, I had a great time. This was not a points event, so I actually believe that people (including) me played a bit differently. More aggressive play and gambling moves were the hallmarks of the evening. My wife even made the final table, and GOT PAID! Way to go honey! I have also logged some serious time against the bonus. I really closing in on this 150% bonus. Not only that but I'm up to about $250 on the site already from my $100 start. I hope that the trend continues and I come out prosperous on the site, in my quest for the bonus, instead of watching it crash in on me. My wife keeps insisting that I should take some of this money off line, and hold it where I can get at it, not so she can take it, but so that it is available to me the next time that Matt calls and invites me to another of his "high stakes" nights. By high stakes, I mean about a $200 sit down No Limit game. I'm just not sure I can make that transition...and I'm torn by the decision in a lot of directions. BUT, I am considering it. If the bankroll continues to grow, I'm going to have to entertain the idea.

I've had a better time of sleeping without snoring lately due to BreatheRight nasal strips. Faced with the option of Teresa kicking me out of the bedroom for good...I thought maybe I should give these a try. They really do open the nasal passage, and appear to be helping me. Teresa seems to think that they are helping me, and she also says that I've been considerably quieter. However, I'm still feeling a bit tired during the days here at work. I think a general sense of burnout has ensued. I need some extended downtime. A new outlook, a new attitude. Perhaps, if the "overlords" were not so vigilent, so watchful. The feeling of dread and impending doom.

You know, the ever watchful Eye of Ra is upon you, much like in the movie Stargate. In the end he turned out to be some vicious little E.T. But was still able to leave a lot of misery in his wake.

Wow, did the blog take a turn for the negative there or what!?!

Moving right along...

Thought for the day, I guess should be..."If you're at the end of your rope. Tie a knot and hang on!"

And with that happy little tidbit, I'll bring this overshadowed blog post to an end, before it drags me down even deeper.



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