Saturday, December 30, 2006

End-of-the-Year Tournament 2006!

Tonight's the night...for the NDPT End-of-the-Year Tournament 2006!
I guess that makes it the 2nd annual. The first one was won who was that...oh was ME! I suppose I should go for the repeat. The Win Sequel! I'm getting psyched up for it...WHOOOYAHHHH! Of course so is everbody else too. I have 24 people tonight, 3 tables, and of course a $50 buy in. There are NO rebuys for this special game. Also, this year, the winner of the NDPT points race for the year gets in for FREE! Congrats TJ Sellers on your victory over the pack. I was on your heels. But there's always next year.

Right now I'm just killing time, trying to stay occupied. Trying to keep my mind off of anything in particular. Just a little mental preparation. Lower the heart rate...reduce the stress. Preparing myself not to play...but to win tonight! :) Regardless of how it all turns out, I expect a phenomenal game tonight...and the crew that comprises the NDPT always delivers.

As always, Chris Brothers will be tackling the role of Tournament Director. His job this year, has been greatly appreciated, I hope by all, and if you agree, please tell him so. If you disagree, keep your FOOL mouth shut! From my has increased my ability to enjoy and focus on the game.

A number of monumental events have taken place over the last few days. On Christmas day James Brown died. The following day, former President Gerald Ford died. And now today, in a remarkably speedy action, ousted Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was hanged having been found guilty of crimes against humanity. All of these events have given many great pause.

May reflection, self improvement, positive attitude, and intestinal fortitude guide you all in the coming year. That and LIVE CARDS! :)



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