Thursday, December 07, 2006

I've got to get out of this haze

I don't know what it is lately...but I really can't seem to shake the blues. Feeling the weight of the world pushing down. Coming to work...spending the day in a marathon of meetings, discussing "Opportunities for Improvement" meaning we're sitting around bitching about everything that's wrong, wanting to fix "it" but never really being able to find the handle on the elusive "it" to actually affect change. The futility of the meeting, the job, and utter existence is really pressing down. I'd say thank goodness for chemistry...but some days 100mgs just ain't cuttin' it. Even the things that typically have given me joy, fail to fulfill. I keep coming back to a "what's the use," mentality, that I know is counter productive. I started the morning off, looking at Google images, jokingly for Zoloft. Of course I found that one...the little bubble guy. Some others to come across my screen were:

"I got yer 'better living through chemistry' right here!"

Not sure what this one was all about:

But I downloaded it anyway! This search led me off on the following tangent, which was actually a bit of a bright spot on the day. I wandered across a collection of "Demotivational" images, which allowed me to laugh a bit. I may have actually come close to quota for the day:

Unfortunately, it appears caps the number of images, per post. So I can't post 'em all, so maybe I'll just have to continue the posting of the collection of images at a later date. It's nearly meeting time this morning, and I've got them wall-to-wall for most of the day. So you just know, I'm going to get bunches accomplished today!

On a semi-poker-related-note...Big Red and I are planning on going to Shuman's game on Friday night. We'll see how the advice from the HPT forums goes for me. Back are the days of the Ultra-Tight-Night. Taking only Big Hands...and getting more than likely little action. Sometimes it's the only way to weather an All-In-A-Thon. Sometimes, you can't even do that. But...everyone needs a plan...and that's mine.

Hope I haven't demotivated anyone else along with this less than positive post, but this is just how my mind works some days. Bear with should improve...and maybe even SOON!



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