Monday, December 25, 2006

Ho Ho Ho...

Merry Christmas all! It's all been unwrapped, trash cleaned up, presents and toys more or less stored neatly. I'm showered and ready, and just waiting on the rest of the clan to finish up this morning so we can head on over to Aunt Kathy's house. I wonder if we'll actually be on time for dinner? But then again, why break with tradition.

We had a bit of an awkward time, when the laptop was unveiled, and it was learned by Whitney that it would reside in Cole's room. BUT, she's older, and needs more supervision with the computer at this stage...and she's more than welcome to use any of the four computers here at the house, including the one in Cole's room. It was ALWAYS my assertion that the laptop would be a shared device for the two of them. She seems to have cooled off a little bit. Whew!

Mom and Dad came over this morning, and Big Red's Mom was here too. My mom brought her new toy over, she got the same laptop that the kids got. So I had to continue patching it and give her a few last minute pointers with it.

Papaw took the kids downstairs to try out their new helicopters...which are surprisingly COOL! Very small...and very powerful little gizmos. Even I may get some playtime in with them!

We made our rounds last night, from house to house. We had lunch over at my parents house. That evening we went to Angie's house and saw Chris, Doug, Richard, etc...and company. Enjoyed some margarita's and tried that Disaronna liqueur...very good stuff. Then we left there and headed over to Chris and Laura, and the Riordan's were still there as well. I imbibed a few beers, and a few shots of the Wild Turkey liqueur, which is VERY TASTY!

Anyway, I hope your Christmas is going as well as mine. Seems to be smooth so far!

Oh and for a little poker content. Well more blackjack did me in yesterday. I was doing well, and had climbed up quite well, and was feeling good about it. Then the bottom dropped out, and I was left looking stupid at the screen. Played a couple of SNG's when I got home late last night, and finished 2nd in a $5, and got knocked out of the $10, so I would have broke even in them both, except for the friggin' rake! DOH! I'm still above the $750 mark, so I should be a little happy. But I had been at $800. But what blackjack gives...blackjack takes away!

Merry Christmas and I'll see you all on the 30th, for the End of the Year Tournament!



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