Friday, January 05, 2007

Clawed my way back...

Somehow with a combination of $1/$2 Limit and some extended sessions of BlackJack, I clawed my way back out of the abyss. I'm within a few dollars of where I started off a couple days ago. If nothing else it was an ego victory. And a much needed one at that. I climbed back over that $750 mark, and trust me I breathed a BIG sigh of relief. Tonight the cards went my way on the poker table, and I had the GOOD SENSE to get out when they were beginning to turn sour, and some of the fish had swam away! Blackjack was a bit more grueling. I was buying in for 10 and then turning around with 10 more to get it back...and somehow given time, I would battle back and get back what I'd lost, plus a couple more. In fact it was blackjack that put me back over the 750 mark! It is still an EVIL GAME!

But that's enough for tonight! For once I quit when I'm ahead. :)



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