Sunday, January 21, 2007

Yes, it's been a while

The best laid plans of mice and men... While a good work of literature, is not a theme that I should be aspiring too when it comes to my blog. I should have better follow through. I should stick to my promises of continued posting goodness. I should have good plans, good intentions, and better conviction. What I'm saying is, I said I was going to post regularly...and I dropped the ball gang, again. I'm sorry, I'll try better, harder, etc...and so on. Work has just been a real bloodbath lately. I get home and I'm shot. And forget about being able to get a post in edgewise while I'm at work. I have attended so many meetings this week, so much paperwork, planning, costing, contracts, personnel matters. Heck, I even had to do real administrator work too! Whodathunkit?!? The DEBT got their money's worth outa me this past week. Rest assured American Public, your boy cheer_dad was givin' it his all this week. Tom Brokaw does not need to resurrect "The Fleecing of America." So that's my excuse for a lack of post-age. Let's try again. Okay, enough of my WahWahWahhhhh-ing on with the postin' folks.
Because work was such a bitch this week, Big Red and I treated ourselves to some well deserved poker goodness. We played Friday night at the Yanok's, for Game One anyway. I finished in 3rd place, and made my money back and Big Red's plus 10 bucks to boot. Which we re-invested for night number two, for the first tournament of 2007 for the NDPT crew! Get this...Big Red finishes in 3rd Place, and I finish in 2nd!!! How great is that. 1st and 2nd would have been better, but hey we happily conceded to J.R. It was a good night All Around. We pocketed nearly $250 for the night. Not bad for a weekend of poker goodness. And tack on to that the fact that I've gone above $840 on UB. I'm flying high here folks, I should put the landing gear down shouldn't I cause this plane's gotta come down soon doesn't it. I'm just continuing to play good/smart/tight poker. Some might argue all that crap, but I keep trying to make believe. I have to keep up that positive thinking. I'm convinced that a winning attitude and a controlled degree of arrogance can be a healthy and winning poker combination. I'll let you know when the theory gets blown outa the water though.
In other unfortunate news...Neteller has ceased all transfers for U.S. players to poker rooms of the world. NOOOOOOOOOOO, this truly sucks. Now, how am I supposed to get my money out of cyberspace. Well every Poker Room I belong to, has quickly emailed me with other viable options to fund my account. The crazy part is...I don't need to fund it is self sufficient. I just need to keep a method to get it "offline" when the need arises. Well from time to time it's nice to deposit to take advantage of bonus dollar goodness. :)
Well I've rambled long here folks. Tried to make it up to you, if anyone is truly reading this at all. But regardless, it's good for me.
Have a good night.

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