Thursday, January 04, 2007

Off to a great start... oy!!!

It's Thursday... a few days since my last post. Let's catch up whad'ya say?! My truck... lookED a little like the one pictured here... but black. Unfortunately, it doesn't anymore. :(
Big Red and her mother left on Tuesday, bound for the Amish Country, to pick up furniture for the house. They didn't make it far. Turning into the local Certified Gas Station, they were plowed into by another truck, with a bonus feature on the front of it...a BIG METAL BUMPER. Hit rammed into the Rear Passenger Side wheel and bed. It was towed from the site of the accident. Luckily, no one was seriously hurt. Big Red is a little sore, but nothing time and a few more visits to the chiropractor won't fix. She will surely survive. Of this I am very grateful. In fact, she was more upset over the whole ordeal than I was. After all it is just a body was seriously injured. Any wreck you walk away from is a good one, in my book. Now we just have to see what the damage to the truck really is. At is just cosmetic damage to the rear fender, wheel well, tire, and maybe the bed. At worst, add to the list above, a bent frame, axle, shocks, etc... The list could be extensive, but we'll just have to wait and see. I'm remaining optimistic at this phase. Maybe this is the denial phase of the accident :0) I'm sure I'll post more about this event right here in the blog, so stay tuned.
That same day, the funeral service for former President Gerald Ford was held. His legacy is being treated well by the press, despite that his presidency at the time was overshadowed by the disgraced Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal. But many kind words were spoken of President Ford. Respect for the Office...Respect for the Man!
I returned to work...briefly on Wednesday, up until the point that I was called by my wife, to take my son to the doctor. His eye had swollen up mysteriously the night before...and it hadn't gotten any better. So I left to take him. Dr. Patel, believed it to either be a bug bite, or possibly that something had gotten in his eye to cause an odd irritation. His eye itched badly, and was swollen a bit like a Prize-Fighter's would be without the bruising and discoloration. I stayed home with him the rest of the day, looking at him from time to time, and shouting out "...cut me Mick...cut me!" My little scrapper.
Finally, today I'm back for my first full day at work. I don't think I've accomplished a thing today. At least it doesn't feel like it anyway. I guess the extended Holiday, has really taken its toll on me. I did get the NDPT website updated, finally. Hope everyone enjoys it.
Online poker and UB did not treat me kindly yesterday, dropping me considerably, when pocket K's and Big Slick, big flop hands did not stand the force of the RIVER. Had I been could've been a lot worse, but why is it that losses always seem to come in Big Chunks all at once, while winning sessions are slow, small and a bit grueling. Makes you wonder...and no I don't think it's rigged. I see the same kinds of things happen in live play. I guess seeing it so often online does have the positive effect of de-sensitizing me to the sting of the monster bad beat. I guess you can't win 'em all.
In one last item, on Monday, Big Red and I tag-teamed an online freeroll poker session, on UB that was playing for a "semi-final" entry into the 2007 Aruba Classic. Out of the the over 3,000 entries, we finished somewhere around 30th. The top 50 got their entry. We play in this next round this Saturday night. I think it pays out the top 100 spots, and is limited to 1,000 players. If we advance there, then we really have to knuckle down, 'cause it appears that only the 1st place player wins ANYTHING at all, in the FINAL match. The prize is $10,000 in entry fees and travel expenses to the Aruba Classic. Probably never happen, but Dare To Dream!!!
Time to go...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny you speak of the Aruba tournament. I was lucky enough to finish in the top 50, and it was actaully an easy feat towards the end. I also made it to the top 100 in the semi-final to play on Sunday in the final. I only made it to 78th place in the final where only one place payed!
The first two I actually was struggling in the first few hours. I had so many bad cards to play it seemed hopeless. But when those pocket AA or KK would be so kind to show up in my hand, huge preflop raises would get the bigstacks call and they would have rags. They doubled me up enough times where my preflop raises were actually a threat. And It was easy to coast into the next round.
I guess I will have to try again while they still have the tournaments since I didn't win the big shebang!