Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Blog Wisdom

I found the following blog today:

...and I don't know this guy from Adam, and he doesn't know me either. But in my process this morning of looking for some inspiration to get through this "variance" that I'm in the middle/beginning of, I stumbled across a graph that led me to this site. I read through his latest blog post...and whether he intended it as inspirational or not, it really helped me. REALLY! There wasn't anything incredibly new in it, but delivery is everything sometimes. So I actually commented on his blog. It was the first time I'd ever commented to someone's blog before. I just wanted to thank him. Now, it doesn't mean I'm going to stop losing, and get back to my winning ways. That's the thing...I could do everything right and still lose, which is what I've been asserting all along. But I'm better with the fact of variance...or at least the concept of it. It exists, it's there, and knowing that is a big part of the battle. Accept it for what it is, accept that I'm in it for as long as it chooses to hold me in its clutches. There is nothing I can do about it except to hunker down, shield myself, and hope for daylight! By shield myself, I guess it means to take even fewer chances than I do now...and for any of you that know me, that's saying something! Isn't it! I'm just going to have to wait it out. And yes there will continue to be losses, and there been a few hundred of those since this started over the weekend. So, til the weekend or maybe even beyond, I'm going to take a break from the online poker world, and focus on something else.

I'll try to catch up on my reading, running, maybe just my family in general, and give them the attention that they deserve. You know, not just be there, but REALLY be there! I'm not going to stop playing poker for good by any means. Unlike an approach that another of my blogger contemporaries chose, the reason that he chose that course is outlined and defined by this:

I've got a theory on life where you can only fully concentrate on 2.5 things at a time in life. family/partner normally takes up one slot. work generally takes up another, the other 0.5 will tend to rotate between other hobbies or activities. sport, working out or drinking with mates.My point is, we aren't machines, can't do everything at once, there has to be a sacrifice somewhere. you could quit your job and put poker into that slot. you could cut out/cut back on your other hobbies such that poker can dominate the 0.5 section. or you could do a half-ass job at work to give you more time to think poker. you have to prioritise your 2.5 slots. this has been a useless post from me. --00Snitch

He was quoting someone else...from the forums, and feel free to read his take on what all that means here:

He opted out of Poker completely, at least for the extended future. He didn't take a dive. He made a choice. I'm going to make a choice to go back to playing for fun, the way it used to be, BUT continue to play well, preparing for some future/alternate reality, where I could ramp up my play. No, it'll probably never happen, and I'm okay with that. The detail and the effort is the thing. Not necessarily the outcome.

Whether you like what I've written here, don't ignore the sentiment, because of how I've failed miserably writing it all down. Read their blogs for better depth. Thanks for hearing me out, or rather reading me out. The writing was refreshing.



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