Sunday, February 03, 2008

Greetings from Shepherdstown, WV

We find our hero now in exciting Shepherdstown, WV. Okay, I'm neither hero, nor is Shepherdstown in any way particularly exciting. offense to the local residents. It is a sleepy "little" town, with not much in the way of hoppin' night spots and the like, however it is quite picturesque and rich in its historical significance. Not far from my hotel, on the drive in I passed by the Antietam battlefields. Beautiful, pasturefields, low rock walls, barren...haunting. Perhaps it is fitting that the world around this place remains small, quiet, despite the fact that it is actually quite close to the "greater" Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. For additional information on a town that I've just recently arrived in, visit here: and/or here: I'm sure the information therein is much more informed than am I! : ) But as I learn, I'll weigh in!

I find myself here for training. Get ready for this... brace yourself... for "Leadership," of all things. Okay now be nice, don't delete me as a favorite blogspot just yet. I promise not to let it go to my head, and when they try to give me the labatomy to truly assume the role, I swear I'll try to fight the guys in the little white jackets. I will continue to fight the power!

The conference doesn't get under way until 11:00am tomorrow, so I and some of my travelling companions found our way to the hotel bar to check out (as Vegas calls it) the Big Game...yeah, I know imagine that! Now here's a place that knows the meaning of Super Bowl specials! A plate of wings for $3.00, a burger/chips/pickle for $2.00, and Miller Lite draft for 50 friggin' cents a glass!!! And I'm not talkin' a little glass here people. I think I paid more in the tip to my waitress than my bartab amounted to! That's a bar people...

What a game it was. Congratulations to the New York Giants, and frankly I never saw the victory over the Pats coming. Celebrate earned it! Also, I won an official Miller Lite Super Party Shirt and hat. I may just drive the 4 1/2 hours every year for this joint. Okay maybe that's extreme and just the alcohol talking.

I'll be here for the next 2 weeks (maybe come home briefly for part the weekend) but basically it'll be class, a hotel room, maybe a beer in the evening at the bar, sans the specials, some micro limit poker, and pouring out the soul to the blog, for few minions.

Stay tuned... there will be more in the days to come.



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