Thursday, February 07, 2008

Still here in the Eastern Panhandle

Hey's it going? I'm still here in Shepherdstown, WV for two fun-filled weeks of training. And I officially decided tonight that I'll be spending the weekend here, instead of the making the 4 -1/2 hours trip back home and then back again, before Monday morning. Call me selfish...whatever!

A large contingent of us in the Leadership Potential class went out to eat this evening. We had a really good time. It's really great meeting all of these folks. Their lives by comparison seem a lot more interesting. Their jobs and some of the things they describe sound intriguing. BUT, the trade off I see is the hustle and bustle of the cities in which they live. There are several from the DC area. One guy from Manhattan, NY. Some from Chicago, IL. I of course find some common ground with the man from Texas. He's grounded... we've got things in common. Earthy types!

Not only geography seperates us...but also ethnic backgrounds, race, creed, generations and even the biggie...orientation. (Not that there's anything wrong with that!) : ) Quite the melting pot... this training.

The class is good. I'm enjoying it. Yesterday's session was a little tedious, but I learned everything I'll ever need to know about Meyer's Briggs tests and what their results mean. I am personally classified as: ISTJ. If you wanna know what the hell that means go here: Then, I got to take another test that let me in on another element of my psyche. Apparantly I'm a "Caregiver, Innocent, EveryPerson, Magician." I'm gonna hold off on that one. I'm still digesting it. I can't recommend what I don't even understand myself yet. If you couldn't guess today's instructor for this material was a real flower child type. Oh a big way!

Hope all is going well for you all over there on the other side of the state. I'll see you all in a little over a week from now. Stay tuned.



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