Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What a crock...

I'm finding that there are other stories within the series to be told. Click on over to the Poker Grump's blog http://pokergrump.blogspot.com/2008/06/something-fishy-is-going-on-in-wsop.html and read all about the man who would be queen, or at least has too much time on his hands. Seriously, go read it for yourself. The small remainder of my rant will lack meaning otherwise.

There's always some liberal idiot in the crowd, trying to stir something up, when most everyone else is sitting back just thinking, "stop being such a dick!"

Sorry, some things just really irritate me.




Anonymous said...

Where's the cheer cheer_dad?

It's just a guy, wearing a dress, wanting to play poker with the girls.

If Hillary can wear pants suits and play with the boys, surely he can play poker with the girls ;-)

I actually find it quite hilarious.

Have a beer and CHEERS! :-)

cheer_dad said...

After awhile though, you'd think that just a little common sense would take over. Messing with politics is one thing... but poker? C'mon is nothing sacred! : P

