Sunday, October 14, 2007

Knocked out in 130th...

Did it to myself. SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! Needed to make something happen. Getting low on chips again...mid position I go all in with A6, in hopes of a steal. Of course the guy to my left, looks down at Friggin' Cowboys. No Ace in sight! Bye Bye cheer_dad.

Yes, I do hate this game. Unfortunately, I do it to myself don't I. Did it last night at JR's game too, against Frank. My AQ vs his Q5s. I just couldn't let it go...and he boated my ass with it. There Frank...I blogged it! : ) Again, cheer_dad hits the rail. Cash game didn't get any better. I'm off it, just can't get my "shtuff" together.

Then again, today's finish 130th out of 1337, I guess, ain't terrible. Still nothing to show for several hours of work.



1 comment:

wvwolfie said...

The guy over at Hardboiled Poker was out at 137th. So cuddos to you.