Monday, October 29, 2007

Sum up the weekend

Friday after going to see Saw IV, we opted to go play some cards at Shuman's. I know, oh how romantic on our anniversary, but hey after 16 years, you kinda just like hangin' out together and you've developed similar likes and dislikes. And well...we "likes" poker. I lost about $25, not from anything completely reckless, just lotsa nothing cards. I'm still MOST proud of the read I got on Kima. Like I said before, my cash cow! He tried to bluff/steal a pot with a $5 river bet. I made the call with my 7-8os. Which gave me only 2nd or 3rd pair, with a craptacular kicker. To put it simply he had an 8 as well with a 3, for an even worse kicker than even I had. That was between a $15-20 pot to drag over. But I just couldn't get involved with just Kima enough, and so the night trudged on. No harm no foul. We left in the neighborhood of 3:00am. Good night, good times. The following evening we found ourselves childless AGAIN. Cole stayed with my parents again for the night, and Whitney spent the night w/JoJo. We had Jeff and Michele's reception to go to, and pounded down a few Jim Beam, Crown, and beer type drinks, and then made a call or so, and found that JR was hosting some of his family playing cards that night. I guess we were close enough so away we go again. Finally, I had a good night at poker. Let me say it again... I had a good night at poker. I actually dragged more than the occaisional pot. I think I made like $45 bucks. I had some decent hands which held up, including Kings once. More often than not, what I was getting absolutely paid on was the oddball hands. K-3s paid off when the flop came 3-3-K. WOW!!! You really can't go wrong very many ways there. Yes, I know there are some, but hey, flop that ride it out to sea. I didn't even get to show it despite making tiny bets. Anyway, yet another good night playing cards. I think Frank was correct in a way. I wasn't having much fun, as of late. BUT, then again poker is a lot more fun when you're winning. Sometimes, however, despite your best efforts, you will come out on the short end of things. But not Saturday night anyway. : )

The following day was a rest and recuperate kind of day. I skipped the weekend and didn't run or walk on either Saturday or Sunday. But today, as soon as I dragged myself out of bed, I headed immediately for the treadmill, and did my half hour of run/walk. Listened to another podcast, just can't seem to get enough. More discussion of the Absolute Poker debacle. After showering, Cole and I headed for Wally World, for the week's provisions.

I wanted to get in a post, so I guess I've got that accomplished now, I guess I took a blog break for the weekend as well. But it's back to business now. Poker will be played AGAIN this weekend at the Wolfe house, and yes of course Big Red and I will attend. I don't think we could keep those two ladies apart anyway. Go Red Snappers!

I did hear discussion again about heading north to Wheeling and/or Chester for our upcoming long weekend, for Veteran's Day. Let the debauchery begin. Cross your fingers.



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