Friday, October 26, 2007

Stuff, and oh yeah Happy Anniversary!

First off, I'm better than my last post implies. I was a little bitter, after Wednesday. I shouldn't have taken it all to heart so much. Teresa was right (of course) it made more sense for me to take Cole home, and honestly was only fair, since I have played more lately anyway. I just didn't like the method, and just felt a little humiliated. BUT, then and learn. I guess the old saying, "love means never having to say your sorry..." should apply here. Or "sometimes you just gotta say...What the fuck..." Tom Cruise said one of those...I always get 'em confused. : ) Song to listen to for this post is now "Love on a Real Train" by Tangerine Dream. "She always did like the Choo-Choos." No JR...John Cusack is NOT in that movie.

Big news for the day, it's OUR ANNIVERSARY! 16 years of marital bliss...well mostly...okay some anyway. : ) I'll not quote Kevin Costner here, "Marriage is a hard, hard gig." I kid, I kid, why you not know joke!!!

Seriously though, Happy Anniversary babe...may there be many more. Thanks for putting up with me all this time, I know it hasn't always been easy. You've made a good life for us, and given us two wonderful children. Life is good.

Aw, I feel all gooey inside now. Time to MAN UP!

Okay, in other news. The mainstream media finally caught up to the Absolute Poker fiasco, which has been getting MAJOR coverage in the poker blogs and forums. See for the scope, or at least the pseudo scoop. This article is not nearly as insightful as the coverage already out there. I'll let you be the judge, but my opinion is that the msnbc article glosses over it just a bit too much, and trivializes it. The investigative efforts of the forums uncovered more devious/sinister intent, than I think is displayed here. Enter the Spin Doctors. They're not just for politicians anymore. I always visualize George Stephanopoulos, from the 1st Clinton administration. Shudder! Here's a question, if Hillary Clinton were (shudder again) elected as President of the U.S. of A. and the world didn't immediately burst into flames, would we "officially" refer to Bill Clinton as the First Gentleman? And would anyone do it without smirking or laughing hysterically. By the way, how is ole Monica Lewinsky. : 0 But I digress.

Anyway, the missus and I are going to dinner and a movie. My folks are keeping Cole for the night, the Whit-meister is going to a slumber party, so the house'll be sans children. "How U Doin'!" Drop it let it go... You would expect us to go to some Romantic movie, romantic/comedy maybe. But not for my baby. SAW IV!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that's what I'm talking about. Nothing like a little blood and gore to highlight and celebrate our blessed union! AHHHH, good times! You know, I'm in for a good ass-kickin' for this right?! But honey...they all laughed! It was a joke. Then... later when I awake in a pool of my own blood... nuff said!

Who knows, later we might really celebrate it up and show up over at Shuman's for the card game. How much should I bring to lose?!



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