Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve

Well here I sit... awaiting an impending (hopeful) early dismissal from the dismal (work.) It's Christmas Eve and the government does "usually" kick us to the curb around the noontime hour on such occasions. Then again, you just never know with some members of management. Regardless though, one way or the other, early dismissal or no... cheer_dad will be leaving early. I'll take the leave if I have to. Today beginning at 1:00 - 2:30 the Eagles is having their members' Christmas Party. I know that seems awful short for a party, but hey they close up the joint after that, and to soften the blow, they open up the bar and hand out free food and more importantly BOOZE!!! Oh yeah, I may just find out how much Jack Daniels can be downed in a single sitting. : ) Reacquaint myself with one of the 3 wise men (so to speak) during this holiday season. Okay, I can't get totally shnockered, I have to save some wiggle room for the Christmas Eve party tonight at the Brothers' house. I know I've lost time and killed brain cells at some of these previous parties. At my age I can't stand to lose much of either!

Saturday is the NDPT End of the Year Extravaganza at my house. Turnout may or may not be light. I'm fairly confident that I will have around 16 of you degenerate gamblers at the house to play. It's been a great year playing with each and every one of you, and I hope to continue it for many years to come. As long as you keep showing up, I'll keep dealing, that's a promise. As for Saturday game time is 6:00pm, although I may be in a rush, since I just found out that Cole has a basketball tournament at 4:30, so I may be hustling to get there in time for my own damn tournament. Go figure.

If I don't see you before... have a Merry Christmas. Hope Santa brings you everything you asked for.



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