Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year My Peeps

There's just so much to celebrate kids!!! So y'all join in and do the Happy Dance with me!!! (Yes, you too!)

The end of the another year is upon us, and there are a lot of fond memories to look back on (many of them involving poker exploits of some sort or another.) And tonight we usher in a brand-spankin' new year that's just chock full of potential and the unknown. These are indeed strange and wonderful times in which we live!

I hope each of you has BIG PLANS for the New Year's Eve and that you've designated your DD for the coming libations. We have ours picked (thank goodness it ain't me) and if that were to fall through, hey the Eagles is less than a mile from home, I can always stumble that far... : )

Other reasons which are cause for celebration are a total (after this post goes up) of 288 posts to this blog for the year, 2008. Maybe nobody reads this tripe, but I enjoy writing it and Blogger just keeps letting me go on and on. I've made a lot of great online and offline friends as a result of the blog and that's more than I ever expected from it. And the N Debt Poker Tour (NDPT) just keeps feeding the poker addiction, too.

I've got the love and support of my family, happiness, and more material goodies than I can shake a stick at. Life is good, people! And if that's not enough need I remind you of the post which preceded this one? Uhmmm hello, Las Vegas... me... February 15th through the 18th. And oh oh oh... hotel reservations at Paris Hotel and Casino! Uhhh, "oui oui oui" or "WEE WEE WEE," take your pick; either exclamation sums it up just right!

Yeah, your ole pal cheer_dad's having himself one fantastic year. I'm glad you could be a part of it. But as I've heard said before, wait til next year, "you ain't seen nothin' yet!"




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