Thursday, February 08, 2007

So, that's what Grant looks like...

Okay, it's a start in the right direction. I've taken my break from Limit. It was just draggin' me down. Last night I played one table of NLHE ($.50/1.00) and finished up for the night including bonus for 50 Bucks. Hey, I'm still down, but I've recrossed the $700 threshold. That was a move in the right direction for me...and hey I'll take it ANY DAY of the week. So, maybe the dust has been blown off of my game for a time, until the next go 'round. I don't want to be a gambler. I want to be a card player. I won't say luck doesn't play a role, but I want to become a student of the game to the point where I can minimize its effect and prosper in the long term. Again, poker is not tonight's or tomorrow's or next week's game, it is the string the amalgem of them all. In the end, the one with the most chip$ is the winner. Okay, perhaps a little over the top. No, then again it is the essence of the thing.
I've been invited to a game tomorrow night at Casa du Shuman :) but I'm not sure it's going to happen yet or not. This basketball season of Cole's is putting a damper on the Friday night games for me. Can't be out all night laughin', jokin, and draggin' the occaissional pot when the morning bells will be ringing. We will have to see, I'd really like to hit another game. There are some techniques and some ploys I'd like to introduce to my game. More correctly, introduce to the game's of others! HeHe...
I've been late to work the past few days due to 2-hour school delays. The temperature, even when I was dropping the kids off was 12!!! BRRRR!!! So, I'm burning a few extra hours of leave that I would have preferred to hang on to. But, it is the least that I can do. Big Red does this every morning...and whether she knows it or not, I do sincerely appreciate it. In that light...I hope she gets to really enjoy her Rascal Flats concert tonight in Charleston. She deserves it!

I need to hammer out the details of this weekend's work, so I can make plans of my own. Then again, there's always online play. This NLHE is tightening me back down. I dropped Trip Aces last night, when I knew I was outkicked. Several hands later, the player, let me know that he had the stone-cold-nuts, with Aces over Queens. My 7-kicker, would have cost me another $35. Sometimes, the play is FOLD! It's as much a part of the game as winning. Sometimes, it is winning.
Well enough for today. Good luck to you all, you're going to need it, I feel I RUSH coming on.

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