Friday, February 23, 2007

Self Aware

"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness." I heard this line in Bull Durham for the first time. How true... It seems there's always some donk at the table who's just livin' life right. Despite the fact that luck loves an idiot, I finished up last night playing. (Yes, I got to play online, cause Big Red went out!) But early on I was seated with a guy who crushed my Kings, when he played his sooted cards to the river. guessed it. He did his LOL, that was funny, crap, which nearly sent me over the edge. But then I decided simply to watch the game unfold and play the hands I was dealt, and steal when the opportunity presented itself. I actually made money last night. Then, I went and pissed a chunk of it away at the blackjack table. What was I thinking? I was up like $45, not rich, but up nonetheless. Then I friggin' donated $20 of it chasing, chasing, chasing. Bad part was, at one point at the blackjack table I was UP to an amount that would have put me ABOVE the level that I had been at before the big turn of events. SO STUPID! The profits don't come fast. If at all... Slow steady is sometimes VERY slow.
This is my short day, so it won't be long now. There's a game tonight at Yanok's, that Big Red and I are going to play. We may even drag JR and Tabby, and Frank and Julie along for the ride. This is a good, enjoyable, fun game, that I think they'll like. Who knows tonight, if things go well, maybe I can afford to play the Crush Game tomorrow. The $50 price tag is large, when half the proceeds are going to the fundraiser. BUT, I have played for more now haven't I.
A thought's been crossing my mind, something I read a while back. In poker, most players want to call, and they're looking for reasons to call, instead of looking for reasons to FOLD. They should be focusing more on why the other guy is involved in the hand. Focus on why they're in the hand in the first place. Don't let the blind luck factor play in to your game. Get your game face on. Bring your BEST game, whether it is online, B&R, or a home game...they are all opportunities for profit. Never play, just to pass the time. Every time, involves your wallet. And that money, is yours whether you won it from someone or whether you worked for it. Either way it is yours, and you choose to put it in play. Don't dump it off to anyone. Make 'em work for every penny of it. Be an agressor when you can. Tighten your game in some ways, loosen it in others. A donk will play anything, and hold it all the way down. Use your ability to cut loose from a hand to your advantage, don't get in deeper than you can swim back out again.
Well that's enough of my own poker ego oozing out. See you all real soon.

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