Sunday, February 25, 2007

Oscar Night

Well it's that time...again...Oscar Night, aka The Academy Awards. But Big Red possesses the remote, and she lives for these awards show. So, it's a secret to a long secret is OUT! I'm watching the red carpet arrivals right now. Most of them are very gracious...some of them are a bit too much into themselves. Somewhere along the road they bought too much into their own celebrity. I'm not sure who I would like to see win in any of the categories. I guess The Departed should be in my mind, since it is one of the few movies that I've seen that are among the front runners. So many of the others I didn't see. I haven't watched Babel, although it is lying on the end table right now. I probably can't convince her to pop it in and watch it instead of the awards show.
So far the most annoying part of the show for me has been Ryan Seacrest. But he's been getting on my last nerve on American Idol as well. So he's on my list already. I'm sure he's crushed. And what's up with all the angst between he and Simon on Idol anyway? Well now the Red Carpet part is coming to an end, and the show's about to start. Oh and one last thing, Nicole Kidman's dress is hideous, but these colossal suck ups are saying they love it! And can they gush over Jennifer Hudson and Dreamgirls any friggin' more?!?
For some poker content. We played at the Yanok's on Friday, and actually stayed for both games, this time. I cashed in both. I won $40 in the first game, with a low finish. Then, when there were fewer players involved, I finished 2nd to Mr. Yanok himself! That paid $60. So $40 in and $100 out, less another $40 for Big Red's entry, so up only$20 for the night. Which I pissed away the following night at my own home. Yes, we hosted a cash game, and actually had 11 people plus a baby along in tow! When the hands that take you out, or at least cripple you are when you are holding 2 full houses and trips, it just ain't gonna be a good night. I really have found a hole in my game. I don't know how to play against truly bad players. There are no tells, when they don't know what they're doing. And you never even consider the horrid hands they may be holding. When the blinds are .25, and you make it $1.75, you have gone over and above the percentages. BUT, it's not real to anyone I suppose. I would expecct that a game would be a little different IF the money involved was truly worthwhile to defend. Of course those are the types of games I'd most enjoy...but they also represent risk of my own money. Something that I guess I don't have the stones for...and I cannot afford to put at risk at the sake of my family. So, I have to learn to adjust to the slop game. It puzzles me. I think I'll have to study Sam Farha and Gus Hansen, to see just how to play THAT LOOSE. They see many more hands than me. It just flies in the face of what I think I've learned. But it's an change that I think I need to make.
Well time to run...oh and online BlackJack, even on PokerTime SUCKS!

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