Friday, January 02, 2009

Got any bright ideas?

I'm in need of suggestions, plans, hair-brained schemes, or just some basic ideas about what to do in Las Vegas in 43-ish days from now. I mean I don't need the suggestions of "go see the Fountains at Bellagio," the "Mirage Volcano," or the "Fremont Street Experience." I've been to Sin City a time or two, and know my way around fairly well. Don't bother suggesting a lapdance at the Spearmint Rhino, although I do like the twisted direction you're heading. : ) Just remember Big Red's coming along for the trip and for that matter my old man's heart might not be able to take the shock. I may shout the "Yay Boobies" battle cry from time-to-time but for the most part, I'm pretty laid back. Play some cards, drink more than my fair share, but I tend to behave myself. Big Red would kill me if I didn't anyway, as my fellow NDPT'ers will certainly vouch. Actually, I just want some suggestions from all of you about where to play poker on this trip. As I pointed out we are staying at Paris Hotel and Casino, but they've not so long ago closed up the poker room. Go figure. The Bellagio, MGM and Caesar's Palace are some obvious choices but I am after all the tourist. Many of you may be more than happy to see me show up, and maybe those would be the places to be, but my thought would be that there are certainly softer games. I am on vacation... why show up to beat my head against a wall. I oughta have some fun too. Ahhh, who am I kidding, I have no expectation of really makin' money, I'm the uber-fish who is likely there to do little more than help pay the light bill. Of course in the poker room, I guess I'm helping to pay your light bill and not the casino. Fear not casino(s) you'll get your fair share of me, as I gotta hit the BlackJack and Let It Ride tables among others as the day wears on and my alcohol consumption goes up.
But seriously now... I've been reading through the reviews over at and I'm just trying to make some good decisions. If you've got an opinion to offer up, drop me a line either here or email me at cheer_dad"at"hotmail"dot"com.
Hope your New Year is off to a great start.


BWoP said...

I posted my thoughts on NLHE action on the AVP forum here:

I would also add the IP to the mix. It can be a crazy game, but also very profitable.

cheer_dad said...

Thanks BWoP!
I'm glad you mentioned the Imperial Palace too, since up til now that's normally where we stay. Not that it's the best joint on the strip to drop your luggage but there is certain something about the IP that makes it a comfortable place to return. I definitely think I will try out the Venetian poker room this time too.
As the time grows near I'll post up a pseudo itinerary, and hopefully we'll run in to you.

