Regardless of whether you throw your lot in with the donkey or side the way of the elephant just get out there today and do your thing. Vote your conscience, if you've got one. This is not and will not be a blog dedicated in any way to politics. The old picture shown however did catch my eye whilst perusing the web. Sex sells indeed... :P
But, as this is a holiday of sorts "Happy Election Day" one should reflect on things and rattle off those for which he or she feels thankful. For me, here they be...
1.) Finally the campaigning is OVER!
2.) When all the "vote for me" signs come down, I'll finally be able to see the "amber waves of grain" again.
3.) As a government employee, I'll have a new boss(-elect.)
4.) Debates, speeches, and other nit-wittery will cease to interrupt my television viewing pleasure.
5.) My phone will stop ringing all friggin' evening!
6.) Hilary Clinton is NOT among the options on the ballot!!! Can I get an amen on that?
7.) Regardless of who wins, the economy will seem to mysteriously normalize... go figure.
8.) We'll finally know who told the biggest and best (or worst) lies.
9.) Either way history will be made, in electing either an African American to the presidency or a Female American to the vice-presidency. Probably something that shouldn't have taken so long to do. I also 'prolly pushed the "politically correct" thing there a bit.
10.) But MOST importantly... we're a mere week away from the Broadcast of the WSOP Main Event FINAL TABLE on November 11th!!!
Someone cue up the Battle Hymn of the Republic, I'm gettin' all misty over here!!!
Vote early... vote often...
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