Well kids... there's a new sheriff in town, errr the nation! At approximately, 11:00pm EST last night ALL of the major networks were calling the presidential race for Barack Obama. Regardless of which side of the political spectrum you find yourself, you must acknowledge the significance of this event in the history of the United States. There's absolutely no denying it. Whether or not he was "your guy" while you were voting, he is now. He IS the president-elect, and worthy of our respect. Congratulations on a well-run campaign, and the victory. It's always good to put one up in the WIN column. I think as most of you know that I tend to lean a little further to the "right" in matters political, but I can say this... I do believe that Barack Obama will serve as President of the United States in a respectable manner and will perhaps restore to the office a greater sense of respect. I'll go out on a limb so far as to say that his term in office will NOT be marred in any "Clintonian" scandal of a seedy nature. Despite what may be our ideological differences, Barack Obama appears an honourable man. I wish him the best. May he lead well...
In other news, tonight my "baby-girl" Whitney got a surprise/early birthday present. Mamaw and Papaw bought her, her first automobile. It's a yellow Volkswagen Beetle, used, but in excellent shape and appearance. She loves everything about it, except for the fact that she's a little apprehensive about learning to drive a stick shift. Yes, boys and girls it's a standard. Dad and I took her for her first lesson in the Bureau parking lot tonight. She did okay, and she'll only get better as the days pass. I know it... but of course she doesn't. Eventually though she won't even remember what it was like not to know how to do it. I just keep telling her to trust me, and I'm being VERY supportive. It was too dark tonight for pictures, so I'll try to take some tomorrow and get 'em posted up. I'm very excited for her, maybe even a little jealous of the sporty looking little thing!
Tomorrow is an Eagles night, and we'll be there, how about you? The weekend I believe will find another poker game to be played, as JR scurries about trying to put together yet another NDPT event. Hope to see all of you at some point during the weekend.
Thanks for stopping by...
Good good good......
My first car was standard. Probably the best thing that you can teach your daughter to do, even though she might not like it. This way, she'll never be in a situation where she can't drive just about any car.
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