Wednesday, January 14, 2009


My quote of the day, that I sent out to my team was "We struggle with the complexities and avoid the simplicities." ~Norman Vincent Peale

The past few days have found me dealing with the simplicities that I'd much too long been avoiding. Actually accomplishing some much needed nitty gritty type work, that had me pouring over immense spreadsheets and filling in a lot of blanks and clearing out even more clutter. Doing all that, left me in a less than chatty mood, and therefore posts to the NDPT blog didn't flow out the fingers. But I'm rewarding myself now with this post. This one's for me, not you...

Over the past few days, everyone but me in the house has been sick either with a nasty little stomach bug that had you coming and going if you get my drift OR tonsillitis. The lil blonde girl had 'em both! She just went back to school today. She's gonna have to hunker down to get caught up... and even worse, she has several end of term tests to take on Thursday and Friday, despite the fact that she missed two days of school from the illness and one from a snow day. Ignore the 2-hour delay today as well. Two more days in this week and it's another weekend. And this one is extra nice for me, since Monday is a holiday and my AWS day moves to Tuesday. Friggin' Four Day Weekend! Of course Saturday is mapped out. Cole has bowling in the morning, basketball in the afternoon, and then he, Big Red, and I are all headed to Charleston to see... (brace yourself) WWE SmackDown LIVE!!! Okay, stop yer chucklin' ya knuckle heads. The boy is ate up with this stuff. I'm not sure a day goes by that some derivative of the WWE doesn't find itself on the family room tv screen. The "action figures" duking it out in the imagination of a little boy on his little plastic ring on the floor notwithstanding... The trip to WWE SmackDown Live was one of Cole's belated Christmas presents. He's so excited to be going. Honestly, it's all a lot of fun. So many people are so hyped up for it that if you did nothing more than people watch you'd be well entertained. So, say what you will about it, all I know is I'm going to be having a great day with my son. Okay, the wife will be there too. : ) Now if I could just figure out how to get Big Red to let me head a few more minutes South to the casino... and the poker room at Tri State Racetrack and Casino in Cross Lanes. Hmmm, maybe one of my buddies could pick me up after Smackdown Live is over. : ) Okay, who am I kidding...

LOST comes back on January 21st!!! I can't wait. I'll be glued to the tv, so don't bother calling. The day after that, I'll be turning 41 years old. Yeah, that's kinda anti-climatic isn't it. The day after that, the 23rd is Uncle June's birthday AND the first poker tournament of 2009 for the NDPT collective. If you're not on the list, get there people. The festivities begin at 7:00pm at my house.

Beyond that, there's a lot of basketball, cheerleading, bowling, gymnastics, school, and work to keep us occupied. Then, the next poker event will be February 8th (Sunday) at the Eagles to kick off the 2009 season. This time, the Eagles Trustees have decided they want a big event. They want to help this thing grow, and they've got an eye on JR as a go-to-guy that gets things done for the organization. So much so, they are advertising this one in the paper. Man, I may actually have to help out a little more and stay sober while playing too! I'm hoping we have a great turnout for this and future poker tournaments up there.

Time for me to head out of here, hope all is well with each of you.



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