Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lost Season 5

"Bad Robot" indeed! The 2-hour season opener of LOST last night was great. I'd almost say it was worth the wait...but there was just so much cool stuff that happened that I'd be lying if I said it. I'm not going to spoil any of it here, if you've watched the opener already, GREAT but I know a lot of you haven't yet, and it's sitting there on you DVR's. So I'm not ruining it for anyone. If however you want some fantastic, in-depth analysis of what went on in the LOST opener to Season 5, point your browsers to DarkUFO seriously must have been up ALL NIGHT cranking out that uber-post. He summed it up way better than I could ever hope to.

I will say that the writers/producers said "character development be damned," and jumped right in! This LOST had so much action and offered up so many answers to mysteries that I was worn out after it was over, and my dreams throughout the night were a series of failed attempts at sorting it all out. Sadly now, the waiting starts all over again for the next episode. Stay tuned.

In other news... today is my 41st birthday, and like I figured it feels just like any other day, well you know provided that the day has brought me that much closer to the end!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog, stop by and play a round of poker sometime.

Very Fun!Free!