Saturday, November 22, 2008

Weekend update

We took Cole out for his celebratory dinner last night, for making the basketball team. So Cole, Whitney and her friend Jo Jo, Teresa and I all piled into the car last night and headed to Buffalo Wild Wings. We met the Brothers clan, Chris, Laura and baby Megan. Cole played some video games, we ate some wings and drank a lot of beer. Okay, not Cole and the other kids. But the adults indulged, blowing off some of the steam of a long workweek which had come to an end. AHHHHH.... We came back home, and Big Red and Laura decided to head up to "spin" at the Eagles for a bit. She was gone for a while, and I stayed here with the kids and played some online poker. It was good to sit down and relax, with a beer or so and 3 tables on Bodog to occupy the time. I made like $11.00 for the evening. Would have been a little more but I took a hit from a "flush vs. higher flush" hand. It set me back a few bucks but nothing to steam or tilt about. Hey, he had the hand and took it down. I don't mind that. No suckouts to speak of. I was on one table that everyone seemed to be playing scared. I was winning pots with air, all too frequently based solely on my position plays. I never really caught anything substantial on the table though. I had some hyper aggressors at another table, that controlled things for a while but they were soon parted from their money by some of the more savvy/patient types at the table... yours truly included. I enjoyed the time alone, and thought it was very relaxing.

This morning I took Cole to bowling at 10:00 and then came home, and thus far I've been kind of veggin' around the house. It's cold and dreary, so it's the perfect day to do nothing. I do think we are going to go to the movies tonight. Big Red is dying to see Twilight. She read the whole series and really wants to go see it now. I've just started reading Twilight and figure okay, I can go see a flick with romance overtones (a.k.a. chick flick) as long as there's vampires in it. And we used to go to the movies all the time, when we first started dating and in fact later on earlier in our marriage. We were/are movie buffs! Kids and life in general have curbed the entertainment. Well that and I tend to download a lot of stuff to watch as well. : ) shhhhh!

I have to work for a couple of hours in the morning, applying some patches to some of our servers at work. But it should be too taxing on me at all. Later, we'll be heading to the Eagles for the NDPT tournament which starts at 3:00pm. Not sure how many people we have coming, but what's it matter. Cards, beer, good friends and good times. The simple things in life. Hope to see you there tomorrow. Oh, and All-In Allman MUST go down!!!




smokkee said...

you should consider playing the Bodonkey hosted on Bodog every Tue/Thu @ 9:05ET. check my site for details.

Anonymous said...

Awesome poker blog, come play the Bodonkey!