Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Somewhere along the line, I got busier than expected. I know it's a worn out, tired excuse for not posting to the blog but I have no other. My new unofficial (as yet) position has already started. On paper I belong to one branch manager, I work now for another branch manager on an infrastructure and system which is under the responsibility of yet another branch manager. Whenever upper management (executive level) finally pulls the trigger on the reorganization all this will become official, and I'll then assume the duties that I've in all honestly already assumed. Meanwhile, all this leaves me in a precarious situation, although it is not without its high points. In a meeting today, my team received guidance to proceed on a particular upgrade plan, and when it was explained that there would be inherent risks involved in the undertaking, it was disclosed that the manager was quite "risk tolerant!" This way lies madness people, but what a ride we're gonna have getting there. I'm sorry to be purposely vague on it all, but you know how us governmentcy types can be. : P

On top of all the new work stuff that's come my way, there's still been the old duties and responsibilities to juggle. Now, I routinely find myself engaged in a conversation with two or three people at my desk about the old franchising duties, and get interrupted without warning on a new messaging tasking. Oh and speaking of messaging... and of government the powers that be have made an unintentional "funny" with the new and improved branch name. Get this... we are to become the Messaging and Information Branch... for this particular agency of the government. Do the initials M - I - B, conjure up any laughter for anyone else? Say something along the lines of what a Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones "movie" might do? I can't decide if I wanna be Agent C for cheer or D for dad. Either way, I can't wait for my flashy-thingy to arrive via inter-office mail!



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