Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hanging around...hanging around...

Here we sit at the airport. Big Red insisted that we get here early, even though she wasn't riding with the first wave of the NDPT'ers. As of now, we have another hour and a half to wait for our flight...we've already eaten and letting that Quizno's sub settle right now. The Columbus Brewing Company is right next to our gate, so here shortly I'll head over and have another cold one just to pass the time. I'm actually okay getting here early, since we have better news than a lot of the other folks sitting here in the terminal. Due to a number of bad storms on the east coast A LOT of flights have unfortunately been cancelled. They can fly out of Columbus, just can't land a lot of other spots, La Guardia, Pittsburg, Atlanta, and etc... have been cancelled and folks are being told that they're going to have to wait until tomorrow. THAT would SUCK bad!!! But we're the lucky ones. Maybe that's a good omen for us. Lucky news on the flight status, lucky at the tables. Hey, I'll take it as an omen folks.

It is unbelievably hot in this terminal though. I've never been here when it is this bad. They even had fans setup at the security check point. Hopefully the air will be cranked on the plane, and I can dry out a little. Flight leaves at 8:15pm EST...and we'll arrive around 9:30pm PST. Gotta love that timezone thing going out. Not so much on the way back.

I've rambled enough for the time being...just trying to combat the boredom while stuck here in the terminal. Internet connection is UBER FRIGGIN' SLOW, so I"m not even going to attempt to play some online poker. I'd prolly get ACES and get disconnected.
Enough for now, I suppose.



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