Tuesday, June 26, 2007


It won't be long now. I'm excited, but holding it in to everyone else. I'm already unfocused enough as it is. The last thing I need to do is make it worse for myself at work. Just 2 more days and I'll be in Las Vegas!!! Plane leaves from Columbus, OH at 8:25pm! I've got a busy few days before it gets here though, so I'm hoping that the time FLIES by. Cole has All-Stars practice tonight. Tomorrow night I have to work server maintenance, for a little OT. Leave home at 4:00pm the next day bound for the airport. Big Red will be leaving the following morning...which is ACTUALLY a very good thing this time. She will be able to attend the first game of Cole's next tournament in Vienna. Unfortunately we won't be there for him for the rest of the weekend's activities. He will be well taken care of by Stephanie at the games, I have no doubts. Ellen, Libby, and my mom will be there for everything else. I'm hoping the Whitney steps up to support her little brother during these tournament games. Had we known that Cole was in All-Stars, we would have opted for another time to go to Las Vegas. But I'm hopeful that all will go well for us all.

I'm still debating what I'm going to do in Vegas. What I'm going to focus on. $2/$4 Limit, or $1/$2 No Limit. How patient do I really want to be while I'm on vacation. Do I want to have fun...or do I want to play my game. Maybe somewhere in between. I know I'll play blackjack, and some Let It Ride. I just want this to be a trip to remember! I want to spend some time with my wife. I do enjoy her company, and she deserves attention for having put up with me for all these years. But she may be carrying me all week, like she's done lately! : ) I'm a kept man...and hey it ain't all that bad, guys! I want to take my computer along and hope to post to the blog daily, and upload pictures while I'm there. I also want to be able to stay up on all the goings on at the series! I could just buy time on the computer in the coffee shop downstairs at the Imperial Palace and forget about lugging my own along. I'd probably be spending $12-20 bucks a day for internet access anyway. Nothing comes for free in Las Vegas. There is a pricetag to everything. Somethings that you can't get anywhere else. : ) Either way, I'll try to keep the blog posts rolling out.




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