Wednesday, November 21, 2007


It's the day that time forgot! It's been a ghost town in here today at work, and it's been a veritable wasteland in the proxy permitted forums and blogs today. C'mon guys, there's folks out here who really depend on your posts. Some of us a little TOO much! Won't be long now though. It's nearly quitting time for me, and I'm ready to go. I think I actually reached the end of the internet today. It was kind of a let down.

We're going to see a movie tonight... The Mist. I'll let you know how it is. You just never know with a movie made from a Stephen King book. It could go either way. So long as they don't screw up The Dark Tower series, if it ever gets made.

Later tonight, we will probably end up at the Wolfe's to play a few hands. Funny everyone else is obsessed about the game now, when my interest due to a rough patch has waned a bit. BUT, I'll snap out of it I'm sure. Just one more more hand!

7 more minutes to freedom!



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